Review: Snow Man - Stories


Review: Snow Man - Stories

 The last time I gave my thoughts on Snow Man, it was because they betrayed my trust by releasing 'Kissin' My Lips', a song which makes me feel like choking. My only hope was 'Stories' would take the dynamic dance track route of their debut for their next song. They did not, but the straight-up rock of  'Stories' is worth a listen.

Another Johnny's meets Anime song (I feel that it is like 3/4th of the modern J-Pop market), Stories is one of those songs which will probably lack staying power due to their being hundreds of other songs in the same style. Do not discount it for that.

The verses focus mostly on building intensity for the chorus. For that, they lack the impact they should have. The chorus though is one of the best this year. The members sing together in a union with an anthemic hook. They also have individual sections for members. This chorus single-handedly redeems the entire track. The rock instrumental truly comes to life there, and might actually help the song grow on me further.

Rating: 8.25/10

Photo Source: Sanook
