I'm Back!

I'm Back!

I'm back! Miss me?

(Don't answer that)

Hey folks, been a while but I am a bit free. I plan to return to blogging, but I won't be doing weekly round-ups anymore. Instead, I plan on talking about whatever music I have been enjoying as of late, hopefully (fingers crossed) once a week. This will both make my writing more fun and free me up from keeping up with every recent release, something I hardly care about. Thank you and sorry y'all!

Meanwhile, since I am back, enjoy this classic:


  1. Welcome back! Love the song choice - an underrated classic!

    1. This is Terrance btw lol

    2. Hey Terrance! Thanks, glad to be back!

      And yeah, this post was a borderline excuse to post Back Again haha.

      My next post should come on Saturday or Sunday hopefully, I still need to decide.

      Enjoyed reading your end of year list :)

  2. [Plays 2PM's I'll Be Back] WELCOME BACK!!!! Hope all is well in life!

    1. I should have put I'll Be Back when I went on hiatus, no idea why I didn't think of smh.

      Thanks Una! Glad I'm back, and thankfully life has been going pretty well as of late!

  3. Yes we missed you! I hope all is well!

  4. Can't believe I'm just discovering this banger smh

    Also no need to apologise. You write whatever you want and whenever you want 108ent ^^

    1. I think Back Again was written by some of Beast's old producers, explaining its 2011-era production, I really love the sound, and am glad I introduced you to the sound!

    2. Ahh that would make sense. Thanks for the extra info!

      I love the sound too! I would love to get more music that are sonically similar. Ah well, we got TAN's Fix You full version (finally... After 1 year...)


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