Review: T1419 - Exit

Review: T1419 - Exit

T1419 is a group that has had, an interesting roll-out to say the least. Their pre-debut single Dracula had them dressed as vampires, and honestly, was a bit of a snooze. Their debut single Asurabalbalta's was a crowded mess of trends. And with a name like T1419, I was pleasantly surprised, I was expecting a medical ad of some sort.

While it may not be too well known to new K-Pop fans, early K-Pop was based on trip-hop and hip-hop. Early idol legends like H.O.T created a strong base based on this sound, and I am somewhat nostalgic towards the style and miss it. Enter Exit, or maybe Exit Enter? I am somewhat confused. This song feels like a throwback to 90's K-Pop (minus them rapping 'hashtag' in one of the verses). The opening rubbery bass is ripped straight from Warrior's Descendent, H.O.T's legendary debut. The rest of the song incorporates several synths, adding that trip-hop elements. Despite that, the chorus is all hip-hop, driven by a sung refrain.

Easily the song's best element is the choir that enters every time the song becomes a tad monotonous. It is pretty obviously a sample, but it at least does its point and adds some theatrical flair. The song also has a strong high-note near the end, I see strong glimpses of potential. The somewhat generic elements of the song do overstay their welcome (such as that noisy breakdown), but I finally see potential for T1419. And as long as MLD figures out a good layout for the group, we may have a stand-out on our hands.

Rating: 8/10

Image Source: MSN
