Review: Eternity - I'm Real


Review: Eternity - I'm Real

Okay, WHY?????????

Eternity is a new AI girl group (WHY DO WE NEED THIS?). Anyway, their debut song is called I'm Real, for whatever reason. From the video it is clear that AI idols are... still a relativately weak. I got some slack for criticizing and worrying about aespa's AI concept, and this is what I feared. Like this physically hurts.

In another world, where this AI-written song was given to a real group, this song could work. The elements are here, such as the rock guitar. Still, the elements are disparagingly used, terribly mixed, literally breaking my eardrums.

Of course, the real issue is the vocals (?). Clearly, hiring real singers means you have to deal with emotions and tiring, something big agency heads hate, so like no, they are fine if we have to hear this. I can't even call these vocals. I really have no idea what it is really, and frankly, I really want to NOT know.

Like why, Lu really did not need any competition...

Rating: 0.5/10


  1. I'm Real is a 0.25! Period! I just hate it. I really do! LSM's delusion really projected into a greater reality! How I hate it here!

    1. True, while aespa in the end handled the AI well before abandoning it, they basically opened the door for something like this to happen :(

  2. "Clearly, hiring real singers means you have to deal with emotions and tiring, something big agency heads hate, so like no" LMAO! Stop exposing them so much. This is a thing of nightmares literally.


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