Review: Lili - Reset

Review: Lili - Reset

Let me finally face it, mainstream Korean music is dying. It has slowly been taken over by trends, which have been dulling the industry. Gems are underappreciated, while generic music gains acclaim. On the other hand, the indie scene has reawakened over the last month or two, and non-idol Korean music has charged into my listening habits more than anything.

I think this is due to the will to experiment. I mean, no Korean song is going to do a crazy conceptual, key, and tempo change like SNSD's I Got A Boy anymore-, actually, maybe not.

Lyrically, Reset seems to be a cry against nepotism and unfairness. I also love how it is handled, with the want to Reset part coming with a shift of tempo.

Lili's debut single starts out with an expectable country groove. This provides it a unique edge, as does the violin, which feels like it could break down into a Boil the cabbage down run in any second. The backing vocals are great, while Lili is clearly a capable vocalist, especially with the guitar.

Then, suddenly after the chorus, Lili throws a large high-note, and we suddenly see this song turn into a dance track. This should not work, but thankfully, Lili's high-note bridges the gap greatly. Instead of feeling generic, though, the dance break is equally unique, due to the violin going berzerk. As someone who has played a bit of violin, I can tell that is a good violinist. The keytarist also lets it rip.

Then, we suddenly are bridged back to the country section. The arrangement is dynamic once again, and it is clear each section was fully planned, and not there just for the shock from the tempo shift.

For the second electronic break, the keytar goes first, before the violin, making it feel unique.

The song is certainly weird, but greatly written, and I am curious to see where Lili goes next. The voice is clearly live, and she certainly is talented. Also, you rarely hear a song as weird as Reset.

Rating: 8.75/10

Note: The studio version (top) is a bit different, with more electric guitar and less violin. It also is pretty great.

Image Source: YouTube


  1. I'm glad that you liked it! Although, I knew you were going to like it really. That song is just an amazing breath of fresh air in K-Pop. Much like when Aria was released. This song is going to get to many, many places. I just love the intensity, impact and power this unleashes. An amazing song for sure.

    I know Jayu is not gonna get a review but I really love that song. These 2 with Dream are really the greatest picks for South Korea.

    1. True, it is really a song that I love with great impact. I don't love it as much as Aria, yet, hopefully it will get there!

      But unlike Craxy, I hope she continues releasing music.

      As for Jayu, I think you spoke to soon, my review is coming up tomorrow :)

    2. Oh I'm ecstatic for that! I'm going to wait on that note!


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