Review: Dawn - Dawndididawn Ft. Jessi
Dawn really has shown he has the ability of charisma. When Pentagon was a rookie group, he & Hui stood out the most to me. However, he truly showed his versatility with his Triple H work and his subtle but driving charisma in Pentagon's 'Shine'. Right afterward, he was kicked out of the group for dating (Cube, bad April fools joke, please, you can now bring him back, can't you?)! His November solo debut, 'Money', was an instant song for me, though I think I initially overreacted on how good it was. I think the concept and lyrics in that track were better than the actual song, the opposite of that statement is 'Dawndididawn' (this year, we have gotten K-Pop songs with titles like Dumhdurudum, Pporapipam, Lalalilala, D.B.D.B.Dib, and what not).
Dawn channels his inner G-Dragon a lot in this track, showing 'One of Kind' vibes a lot. His vocals actually remind of G-Dragon would do when he wanted to hype. From the self-referencing chorus to the "bubble pop senorita", he surely has grown in confidence, I just wish he had maintained the lyrical quality from 'Money'.
The beat really picks up once Jessi arrives and we get a bit heavier production. Small confession: I really do not like Jessi's recent music. Don't get me wrong, I like her strong personality, but I wished her music maintained quality after her breakthrough. There is a lot of P Nation artist references in this part, but I really prefer the chorus and am pleased when it returns. But still, Jessi's rap is amazingly fun.
While Dawn has yet to gain a particular style, Dawndididawn shows a potential future for him.
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